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Get Started Recovering

Beginning Black

While the data is clear how white men have sought to disadvantage and detain the life of black men, one truth remains… black men, women and children have had to adapt in ways that have led to the internalization of racist values. We have now become captive to our own bondage. We’ve bought into the idea that self hate is safer than self actualization. Self hate is merely to agree with the notion that white men hold power to win.
RECOVERY is here to return compassion for our story and take back our power. It is not sufficient to relegate white life to one protected from the truth of its limitations in power any more than it is sufficient to relegate black life to one enthroned with power.
The reality of race is its representation of the eroded self – the self that goes unrecognized or that is constantly distorted and weakened. Race is the range of psychological and social consequences of existence in a racist society rather than a color.
So for our blackness let us declare it a badge of honor, courage, travail and flawless power! Begin Black again.

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Internalized racism says black people are what white people see. What are we, black people, without racism?

Young and old alike must recover!

The 5 D’s of Recovery: D-efine; D-econstruct; D-iscipline; D-emonstrate; D-ominate

Define – Recognize the internal effects of racism. Understanding the historical experiences affecting lives of those connected to the transatlantic slave trade and slavery is important in recognizing it’s impact on the lives of its descendants

Deconstruct – Identify the mechanisms of psychology that have been adopted to survive the horrific impact of slavery. Expose the internal racist that taints your unconsenting life

Discipline – Learn how to clean up the contradictions to internal freedom hardwired in thinking. Get the world out of your head AND get ahead

Demonstrate – Model greatness and put to practice the keys to unlocking your freedom

Dominate – Take charge of your freedom and Move to your inherent level of greatness